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Hello everyone! So sorry for not updating much! I do not have much interesting things to share about especially I’m trying to maintain a " jc no-life". Finally, I’m really glad that it's over, after 25 days!

Graduation night will be held on 1 December in Orchard hotel and i wonder how will it be like hehe! Luckily i have prepared my stuffs for the night as today i have to heed off to chalet with my family and my parents' friends! Hope it will be a fun one muhahaah!

It is a 2 years of exhaustion learning totally new level of subjects and trying to score for the demanding and challenging questions in A levels. However, i find that those things that i have learnt are interesting and pretty enjoyed the learning process of it. I don't think i have regrets going to JC instead of polytechnic even if i did not do well in my A levels. I have tried my best and it's not like A levels are the only path to work toqards to success! Most importantly, we really have to work hard towards our goal and at the same time doing things that we really enjoy most. We only live once and we would never know what would happen to us even if we have a healthy body.

Life is short. Do things that make us smile and thus, not regretting for not doing it when we realised many years later which is too late. Of cause it is hard to balance, but we can try :)

SEE YA!! I'm so tempted to go to the library now to borrow books! OMG i missed reading them and be caught up in my own imagination of the stories written in the book. Currently, waiting for my sister to be done but, she is not yet done! HAHA! Look forward to my updates on my graduation night and JAPAN TRIP!

PS: Both of my friends have successfully passed their interview and are able to work in GODIVA! I'm so great for them even though i may not have a chance in working there and enjoying their yummy chocolates :(

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